The bulk asset set uploader can process CSV files and support assets of three different types: polygons, routes, and single points.
An example will be provided as a downloadable file, enabling users to learn how to create polygons and routes on the maps. Below is a simplified version to differentiate between the three types:
● Point: [1.234, 2.345]
● Route: [[1.234, 2.345], [3.456, 4.567]]
● Polygon: [[[1.234, 2.345], [3.456, 4.567], [1.234, 2.345]]]
A point represents a single latitude and longitude coordinate, a route consists of points within an array, and a polygon comprises points within an array inside another array.
Navigate to your asset upload tool
Settings > Account Settings > Proximity Assets
Create Asset Collection
Name your collection
Select the proximity distance applicable for Point and Route collections
Polygon asset proximity is defined by the boundaries of the polygon
Options to Add Assets
Single Asset Upload
Quickly add an asset Point by adding ‘Name, Latitude, Longitude, and Asset Type’
Bulk Asset Upload
Download the file template to add your asset coordinates
You may add up to 200 characters to your asset name. This may include a simple name and identifier or choose to add other information which will assist with triage and response.
A single lat,long combination to represent a single point on the map
Add a series of points within an array, each separated by a comma
Add a series of points to draw a shape where the start and end points are the same to close the shape
Reminder: ensure you copy your starting coordinates to the end of your array to close the shape
When you have completed the file, you may drop a CSV or upload the file from your computer.
Editing Your Proximity Asset Set
You may view or edit your added assets and quickly delete individual assets from a set.
If you upload a new file to an existing Proximity set, you will be prompted to add new assets or replace the entire list.